The cause of death for TikTok star Kyle Marisa Roth has been revealed, months after her passing left fans in shock. The 36-year-old passed away peacefully due to a heart arrhythmia caused by myocardial fibrosis, according to the autopsy report from the Chief Medical Examiner of Maryland. Kyle, who had amassed over 175,000 followers, was well-known for her celebrity news updates and her signature catchphrase, “You want more, I’ll give you more.”
Kyle had previously battled colon cancer and endured numerous health challenges, including multiple surgeries and injuries. In a candid Instagram post from February, she reflected on her journey, writing, “Three major abdominal surgeries… LOTS OF BAD ASS F**KING SCARS.”
Her sister, Lindsay Roth, shared the news of her passing on Instagram in April, saying, “As a family, we are still processing and deciding how to properly honor and celebrate her life.” Kyle’s mother, Jacquie Cohen Roth, echoed this sentiment on LinkedIn, adding, “Kyle loved deeply and lived life to the fullest.”
Fans were heartbroken by the news, with one commenting, “My heart is completely broken,” while Julia Fox expressed, “I’ve been crying and am so devastated.”
Kyle’s vibrant personality and humor touched many, and she will be deeply missed.